Thursday, October 18, 2007

Online gaming addicting?

There's no doubt that playing games online with other people is more "addicting" than playing by yourself. This doesn't apply just to video games. Any entertaining activity that can be changed to involve other people adds a new level of excitement and keeps people coming back for more. In the case of games, it adds to the replay value - the game becomes as dynamic as people are dynamic. Gone are the days of static, repeatable content. (Those who have actually played MMORPGs may disagree with that last statement!)

No surprise then, that a recent study found MMORPG players spent more time playing in a given week than other control groups with less-enthralling games. The part that worries me is the trade-off described - the players were happier with the gaming experience though less healthy. We need to control the amount of time we dedicate to any one activity, regardless of whether or not we are addicted. Without moderation and balance, we suffer the inevitable consequences of reduced physical, spiritual, and social health.

1 comment:

MackAck said...

You are so wise, David Manning.